Saturday, September 13, 2014

Trashy Saturday!?: Married at First Sight (finale!) and Utopia

Trashy Saturday!?
There was so much trashiness this week in television that we had no choice but to make a part two of yesterday's Trashy Friday. For this one we will finally finish up FYI’s Married at First Sight and cover part two of Fox’s Utopia. So let’s get to the wonderful trashiness!

Married at First Sight- "The Big Decision"

It’s the last few days of this experiment, and every couple must decide whether to stay married or get divorced. Everyone is nervous about this decision. Monet decides to be nice and make dinner for Vaughn.  Vaughn and Monet decide to make the last few days really memorable and work on their relationship to make it better. Monet accidently burned the potatoes and was mad about it. Vaughn really appreciated her work and ate it anyway! They both laughed about it and both were happy about the results of the dinner. Vaughn gets advice on his relationship from his friend. He says Monet is a good girl, but he knows that a marriage will be a lot of work.

Jason and Cortney also make dinner together that night. Cortney has already made up her mind and she wants to stay married, but Jason still isn’t sure. So he asks his friend Fran over for dinner to help him make that decision. Apparently Fran has his back and will tell him if she thinks a girl is the one or not. Cortney is afraid that making her decision this fast has set her up to have her heart broken. Fran says that she is a keeper, so again, Jason, just say yes!  Cortney reads her journal from the whole experiment to Jason, and again they realize that they have the same fears. But Jason won’t open himself to her, and still can’t decide to stay with Cortney even though he says that she is perfect for him.

Jamie calls her sister for advice and tells her about the lying incident. (OMG please just get over it!)  She admits that if she were just dating him and he lied that she would dump him with no regrets. But now she feels like she can’t because they are married. Doug talks to his parents about his decision to stay with Jamie. His parents hope that he can love Jamie and receive love back, like their relationship has been. Doug gets some wine and he and Jamie drink it while looking at their new photos from the last episode. They compare them to their wedding photos and the new ones are 1000 times better.  Concerning the issue of sex, Doug says that he doesn’t mind waiting until Jamie is ready and then they can have a nice time. (Go Doug, good man!)

Now it’s officially the last day of the experiment. Doug and Jamie talk about their marriage and the decision. Jamie feels like she is going to make a wrong decision if she stays or goes and doesn’t want to feel vulnerable again. So again, she won’t open up to Doug. Cortney and Jason talk again. Jason lets her know no matter what he decides she will always be a special part of his life. Cortney lets him know that she has been herself and open to him throughout the entire marriage. She also says he will always be a part of her family and she will follow him. Jason says that he will always protect her, no matter what.

The couples go to see the therapist and talk for a while. Jamie and Doug go first. She still seems like she is protecting herself from getting hurt, and it’s a very common theme.  Doug says that he wants to stay married. Jamie says she wants to stay married, fall in love, and start a family with Doug. 

Next is Monet and Vaughn’s turn. They both confess they learned a lot about themselves from the experiment.  Vaughn announces that they’ve decided to get a divorce and it really is the best decision for the both of them.  Monet thinks Vaughn needs to be a better man so he can support a family. Vaughn feels like they need more chemistry.

Finally it's Cortney and Jason’s turn.  Cortney (obviously) says she wants to stay married. Jason decides to stay married as well!

After decision day, Courtney and Jason spend more time with each other and are falling in love. Monet and Vaughn have an awkward relationship, as he packs his things and moves out of the apartment.  Doug and Jamie come back and Doug’s parents make them dinner as a surprise. They talk about their future and sex and children. Unfortunately this show is so dry, most of the time it’s hard to watch. I was bored most of this episode and I probably will not watch the next season of this show. I can’t believe Monet and Vaughn divorced, but I do think it’s for the best. The rest of the couples were pretty obvious with the decision and I wish them the best with their marriages.

Utopia- Part 2

We are starting out with day number four in Utopia. They first have a meeting stating what they think they need in their Utopia and Bella suggests a water filter. Red gets sick of majority rule and says he’d rather have a simple life. David says he wants his ration of the $5,000 and everyone else thinks that is very selfish. Red and David think they should rule over Utopia and could do a better job than everyone else is doing currently, so they want to recruit people to join their cause. (So it would be like a dictatorship where Red and David are in charge. Hmm, no.) They get Jon and Amanda on board. Red wants half of the money, but Mike refuses to be a part of the "communist society". Later, Josh insists that the power needs to go up tonight and Red refuses to do anything. So Rob yells at him saying "I worked all day, do something!" Red thinks he doesn’t have to do work because he has a higher skill set than the others. (Really, Red?  You have more skills than everyone?) They argue, but interestingly, it ends in laughter. Aaron tells Hex that she thinks that the ladies need to cover themselves while they bathe because it makes people uncomfortable. This makes Hex feel like she is a slut, and she doesn’t understand why being naked is a sin. (Josh likes it though.) At night, David shares with Red how his life has been downhill and that he has a child. He is thinking about giving his life back to Jesus because his life was better with Christianity in it. So David finds Jon who reads the bible to him and it seems to help him feel better.

Now it is day 5 and they are starting to run low on food. So Bella continues with her Chicken Tractor idea to help the garden. Jon, Rob and Hex try to help Bella but her plan is very confusing. No one understands and after a while the guys just walk away. (Good idea.) Since everyone deserts her, she asks Nikki to help her plant seeds. David asks to look at the seeds for some reason and he gets really upset when they tell him not to.  (I swear everyone gets mad for the dumbest reasons…)  The chickens now won’t lay eggs so Bri, the vet tech, says that they are stressed due to the move and will not produce eggs. But Bella won’t listen because she really wants her idea to work. (Like I said, she is crazy!) Red, Rob and Josh are still trying to get the power going. Mike and Aaron attempt to create a hot tub. Bri and Chris (they have a thing) decide to take a dip at the waterfall. Aaron and Mike make fun of the relationship, thinking Chris will cheat with a hotter chick that could move in and that their relationship won’t last.  That night they try the lights and they work. They are so proud of this achievement! This means now they can use the phone to order supplies and contact the outside world.

It is now day 6 in Utopia. David and Nikki talk about what kind of food they need. He thinks canned food is great, but Nikki disagrees saying it’s full of metal. Bella tells everyone she wants more respect when she tells people what to do with the gardening, because she knows what she is doing. (She seriously looks like she is going to have a huge mental breakdown soon.) Red and David try to crack the safe and take their $200.00 so they can buy their own food. Bella catches them and then gives herself a pep talk. (Again, crazy, then she gives herself a hug and cries...)  Aaron orders food and David insists that he gets ramen. David gets mad when he feels like he isn’t getting what he wants and when Aaron orders things that are unnecessary. He also threatens to break the phone if he doesn’t get what he wants. Red and David start to stomp on their food cans. They stay really mad and it’s absolutely ridiculous. After wanting Josh out, Bella has become his biggest fan. (Mostly because he does whatever she wants.) The food arrives, but David and Red continue to be upset. They feel like no one but them knows how to survive.

We come to day 7 in Utopia. Red tries again to open the safe, and he succeeds. They take their share of money. Then David and Hex argue because she wants both of them to contribute to their society. David and Red buy unnecessary things with their money, as most of it will spoil. (Not smart, guys!)  They both have a barbeque and they use it to support their Utopia. After the party, Chris and Bri go where the cows are (thinking they won’t be on camera) and have sex.

So Utopia is divided and honestly things are going to get worse. Haha! But I really like this show, the conflicts are ridiculous but funny. Definitely a really trashy show! What I don’t understand is why they don’t seem to want to prosecute them for stealing! Like, that’s more harm to the group than Josh did. Well perhaps we will see it in the next episode.

~ Katrina

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