Friday, August 29, 2014

Back to Campus: Study Inspiration

Probably one of the biggest struggles we all face with the start of classes is finding motivation to study.  It takes a while to get back in a school mindset and start to really put effort into homework and studying.  However, I’ve found that having fun supplies makes me more likely to get organized and start studying early on!

This planner from ban.dō is my favorite thing this semester.  Obviously a planner is a great way to keep track of all your work and projects, as well as events you have going on (it can be very satisfying to physically write things down then cross them off as you finish them, rather than just keeping track of everything in your phone), plus having a cute notebook around is a great reminder to actually check what homework you have left to do (I don’t know about you, but when I make a list in my phone I don’t always go back and check it later).  Additionally, pulling a fun planner like this out of your bag in class is a great conversation starter for the people around you.  (Everyone will want to know where you got it!)  I have this mint and gold one that reads, “I AM VERY BUSY.”  It’s cute, and it’s accurate.

Inside the planner there are a bunch of fun surprises.  Random days feature little pick-me-up notes, like “you’re more fun than a rollercoaster” and “you are better than unicorns and sparkles combined”.  Important holidays (and extra fun ones, like National Ice Cream Sandwich Day!) are included throughout the calendar.  Plus, each weekend there’s a suggestion for something fun to do.  (Anyone up for pink hair!?) 

Every month has a cool illustration (like this one that serves as a reminder to keep organized and on top of your work, and gives you the eerie sense that the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg can see you procrastinating).  There are other fun things included in the planner, too (like stickers J).  If this little book doesn’t make you want to write out all of your work then get it done, I don’t know what will.  Ban.dō also has other school supplies, like spiral notebooks and pens with cute phrases on them, plus tumblers, headphones, backup chargers, phone cases, tote bags, etc…

Wherever you get your supplies, keep in mind that even just getting a notebook in your favorite color can help you stay motivated!

~ Alyssa

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