Monday, June 22, 2015

Packing Tips for a Short Trip

This summer you may be traveling and if you make any short trips (just for the weekend or so) you know the struggle to pack light, especially if you’re flying.  Of course it’s great if you don’t have to check any luggage, but how do you fit all the necessities in a carryon!?  What if you need to leave some room in your bag for anything you purchase on your trip?  How do you fit all your liquids in such a small bag!?  Here are some of my tips for efficient packing!

·      Roll some clothes- Some items of clothing (like jeans, tees, pajamas, anything that doesn’t wrinkle/doesn’t matter if it gets wrinkled) can be rolled tightly to save space.  Rather than folding and stacking everything, roll any clothes that can be rolled without getting ruined.  (Especially bulky jeans.)

·      Get minis- Of course you don’t need to pack your whole shampoo bottle for a 2-3 day trip.  (And you can’t if you’re not checking your luggage.)  So, get the mini versions of all your basic necessities, or get small empty bottles to fill yourself.  You can find these at most major chains, especially in the summer.  You can often even get roller ball or mini versions of your favorite perfume so there’s no need to settle on anything but your signature scent while you’re away from home.  (I got my mini Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet at Sephora.)  However, even those mini bottles of shampoo and such can be way too big for a really short trip, so…

·      Make your own minis- When you simply can’t fit all of your necessities in their miniature forms in a single, TSA-approved bag, or when the minis aren’t quite mini enough, make your own.  I used the little plastic containers that you usually get product samples in at Sephora.  Just wash them out, fill them with what you need, and label them with a marker.  (For example, L for lotion and TM for tinted moisturizer.)  Put a small piece of tape over the label to make sure it doesn’t rub off, and, if necessary, keep a note on your phone to make sure you remember what your abbreviations stand for.

·      Pack basics/neutrals- If you don’t know exactly what you want to wear on your trip and want to have options, pack just a few basic pieces in neutral colors so it’s easier to mix and match based on your mood.  You’ll save room by not packing too many clothing items, plus there’ll be extra space to pack different accessories to dress up your basic outfits.   



  1. Great packing tips! I also use mini stuff for my trip or travel. There is just no need of big quantities of items when the trip is for not more than a week. Greetings

  2. Whether you are moving home or just going on holiday, following the simple packing rules of knowing where you have packed which belongings, and packing similar or same room items together.
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