Friday, January 30, 2015

Trashy Friday: Eye Candy and Hindsight

Welcome to another edition of Trashy Fridays. Today we will continue with MTV’s Eye Candy, and Vh1’s Hindsight.  Let’s get to the trashiness!

Eye Candy

This episode starts out with Lindy and Calligan going into Reese’s apartment to find two mannequins, one of a man and one of a women sitting next to each other (looking like a movie date kinda thing). A chandelier looking thing, with teeth (Reese’s?), hits Lindy in the face. Lindy freaks out, but still Victoria does not look too freaked out or terrified. (The acting on this show needs to get better.) As the cops investigate, they find that the teeth belong to a missing female, meaning that Reese could still be alive. 

Sofia’s friend, Connor, is shown to be doing some sketchy activity. The creepy stalker is still watching Lindy and is shown (I don’t know if it is real or not) in a window in the building across from her, just staring at her. Sofia is trying to get Lindy to forget about investigating with the police and go have some fun with her. (Of course Lindy, being Lindy, refuses...) 

Lindy gets an anonymous envelope with “Surprise” on it. When she opens it she finds an altered picture of her and her sister from the desktop computer in her room. The picture is made up of pieces of pictures from 3 separate crime scenes, and the bracelet her sister is wearing in the original photo is not in the altered one. The cyber crime unit investigates where the pictures came from. There is more back story of her sister (such as the fact that Lindy gave her sister the bracelet from the picture), which is important but there still isn’t much emotion. The head investigator tells her to not contact Jake anymore, because he is still a suspect (since Reese has been eliminated as one). Calligan finds that the crime scene photos are from very gruesome murders. 

We see that Sofia is interested in the security guy assigned to watch her and Lindy around the clock.  As Sofia and Connor are walking (with the security guy close behind), Sofia shares the (confidential) information about the teeth that were discovered with Connor. Connor writes an article for an online magazine about the murders, and Lindy’s coworker shows it to her. (Everyone is mad that he wrote the article since it's information that wasn't supposed to be made public yet.) Connor’s boss refuses to take the article down. 

Lindy’s coworker discovers that the background of the picture she received in the surprise envelope is static, like on all the TVs that are left on in the crime scenes. (It is like the one seen on Jake’s phone after he calls Lindy, which is weird.) As the coworker and Lindy investigate further, they go back to Reese’s apartment and she realizes that the killer wants her to watch something on the TV. Lindy looks at the first letter of each movie title (with the help of Calligan) and finds that he is searching for the perfect mate. (Thus giving the reason for killing and mutliating these people.) The killer pretty much removes the part of them that isn’t perfect, killing those who lied about their flaws. With the teeth he cleaned and straightened them, thus making them perfect. (Calligan finally congratulates her for a good job for the day with this discovery.) 

Sofia then gives Lindy a surprise party for her birthday. (Lindy honestly isn’t too thrilled about it.) Jake shows up and pretty much ruins the already crappy party for Lindy. Lindy starts to feel like passing out at the party (kinda like she's been drugged) and the people who are watching out for her get distracted. (Good job guys...) The creepy guy finds her as she passes out and takes her somewhere. She sees him slit Reese’s throat. Lindy watches him die and he drops a small (present) box.   

Jake is set free, after being arrested at the party. (Thus eliminating him as a suspect, because Reese's murder happened while he was in police custody.) Lindy is worried that she will be killed once the creepy stalker finds out that she isn’t perfect at all. 

In the end scene, Lindy opens the present and it is the bracelet that she gave her sister.  Happy birthday, Lindy.  ;-)

The acting in the show still hasn’t gotten better, but this show is so amazing. I love it!!! I wonder if Lindy and Caligan will date, but who knows. He seems to care about her a lot. I also wonder how the story of this show will progress and the other tests the stalker will give Lindy.


I loved this show the first time I watched it and I really wanted to see what happens next. 

Becca is going on interviews because she needs a job now, since she quit her other one. She practices interviewing with Lolly. Lolly is being a bad friend and is still sleeping with Becca’s brother. (It’s Halloween in this episode, which is cool.) Lolly sleeps with him with a clown mask on (like, how? That’s so creepy).  Becca finally catches them and it causes an awkward moment.  She goes for her interviews finally and does a very good job of impressing the bosses. 

So Andy’s girlfriend is a bitch to Becca. (Just get over the fact she kissed your boyfriend...) Becca gets several job offers and is trying to find someway to enjoy a Halloween party that will happen at the bar she usually goes to. (She is very excited, for the jobs at least.) Lolly decides to go the party with Jamie, instead of Becca. (Which makes her very upset.) Becca tries to decide what to do with her life and Jamie and Lolly go costume shopping. Becca and Melanie both are Alice, from Alice in Wonderland. She wants to use the outfit to win Andy over. (It works!)  

Jamie and Lolly have a mini fight because Jamie was late and forgot his costume. (They are Beavis and Butthead, which I personally didn’t like.) Shaun starts dating Paige, and this upsets Becca for some reason. Becca confronts Shaun and he tells her that he’s moved on. (She is surprised at this.) 

Lolly and Jamie win a costume contest, and Melanie sees Becca with Andy and accuses her of cheating. The party ends with Shaun punching Andy in the face (showing that he really isn't over Becca…) and he blames her for the break up again. (They think they cheated with each other.) Paige breaks up with Shaun after he was a jerk to Becca.  Lolly is mean to Jamie because of the party (and what Becca said about the future and that he seemed to have more fun with his friends. He gets so mad he breaks the costume contest trophy) and Becca decides to let Andy stay with Melanie. 

Lolly thinks that ever since she went back in the past, Becca is too worried to take risks.  Becca decides to turn down the job offers, and finally takes an internship with a computer company.

I love this show too!! I want to see how Becca gets to change her life. The fact that she gets to do this makes this show very interesting.


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