Saturday, August 22, 2015

Easier Ways to Get Ready in the Morning

Now that school will be starting soon, I have some tips to make your mornings easier!

Be prepared ahead of time: Make sure you pack everything you need for the next day, the night before. (With your homework, notebooks, writing utensils, etc.) That way you won't find yourself forgetting stuff or rushing to get ready in the morning.

Food: Having something to eat before you leave for school is very important. If you have time for a full meal before school, plan on getting up early enough to fit this in your morning. However, if you hate to eat in the morning, pack snacks or your breakfast early that morning or the night before so you can have some food once you get to school.

Morning routine: Plan a morning routine to help get your day started. For example, washing your face, should be the first thing you do when starting your day. If you feel the need for coffee in the morning, get up early enough so you not only can have your coffee but you can enjoy it while you drink it.

Showering: This is definitely an important thing to factor into your day. You must decide whether you can get up early enough to fit this into your morning. If not take a shower the night before and that way you can have a little more time for sleep.

Getting ready in the morning: Your outfit and make up are important to help you look and feel good before going to school. I have a few tips on making these easier in the morning. If you have a really hard time deciding on what to wear, choose your outfit the night before. Just make sure you look at the weather report and choose a cute outfit for the day. For make up, especially if you don't have a ton of time in the morning, can be done simply with these products in under 10 minutes. Use bb cream or a tinted moisturizer for your foundation, some mascara, and a lip gloss or stain in a light pink color. This is an easy natural look and more can be added to change this look up when you feel like it. Make sure you bring products with you to touch up your makeup throughout the day.

Motivation: Do something you enjoy to pep up your morning. Listen to music, dance around, whatever you like to make you look forward to the day.


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