Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Vacation the Healthy Way

Traveling is an amazing experience! But packing snacks can seem like a hassle and it may be easier to just get a quick fast food meal or pack unhealthy snacks, like chips. Here are some tips to make your trip healthier and fun!

-If you are going on a road trip, do your best to mostly pack healthy snacks for your trip. Bring a huge cooler and fill it with veggies trays, fruits, cheese spreads, and water. Spending money on these things will make your trip healthier and less expensive than ordering out throughout the trip. (We all like saving money and you can use it to buy other things you want, like souvenirs, activities, etc.)

-Having plans to go out to dinner during your trip? You want to have fun on your trip and try different foods, but no one wants to think about their diets at this time. Well all you have to do is just think about what you are eating. This doesn't mean you can only choose the salad, choose things that are lower in calories and lower in fat. If you happen to forget, just remember that everyone slips up once in awhile. Whats important is you get yourself back on track for the next meal and those after it.

-Continuing with the theme of ordering out, be cautious of what you drink. Alcohol, soda, and fruit juices all have calories (some of them very unnecessary). Try to stay hydrated with water mostly, as it has no calories and is very good for you.

-Are you finding that your slip up is really bothering you? Well if your hotel has a pool or a gym, then just do a little work out. I find that swimming is really fun and it doesn't even feel like a workout. So have fun with your friends or family in the pool and work off those calories.

-Another way to incorporate exercise in your vacation is to walk as much as you can. Walking to places near by not only will help you stay fit, but it will also save you money.

Make your summer vacation fun! ~Katrina

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