Friday, March 20, 2015

Trashy Friday: Eye Candy and Walk of Shame Shuttle

Welcome to another edition of Trashy Friday! Today we will be covering MTV's "Eye Candy" and VH1's "Walk of Shame Shuttle". Let's get to the trashiness!

Eye Candy
We finally reached the season finale! Now we get to the point where Jake is hot and crazy, like seriously out of his mind. Linda finds out that Jake is the killer and just forgets common sense all together. She confronts him at the grave site where his sister is and tries to attack him when she is in the grave. Well one you know he's crazy and you are stuck with him on an island with no way to escape like really you could've waited. Jake gets upset that all his work for Lindy is all for nothing. So she attacks him and of course he chokes her out and brings her to an asylum. Meanwhile Tommy, Connor, and George  investigate where Sofia and Lindy are. They find Tessa dead and so much over acting is done here. (Especially from George)  Tommy uses George's skills to find Lindy. After Lindy wakes up, she breaks out of her room and instead of finding a way out, she investigates the asylum. Jake is there and tells her what happened in his childhood and wants to make it work with Lindy. Again Lindy being dumb, tells him that she isn't perfect. Jake assumes it's because she can't get over her sister, so he lets her get it out of her system by saving Sofia from the same fate as her sister and then they can go find  sister together. She saves Sofia and then they try to find a way off the island. They eventually have to find his server and Lindy tries to hack it. While this is happening  Jake watches Lindy and makes out with himself in the mirror. (Eventually punching it because of his other personality) To me Jake should kiss himself because he is gorgeous. After she finds the server she tries to get more info on Jake and her sister. Jake comes in and stabs Sofia and Lindy is forced to stay with Jake. Tommy tries to save her but Lindy says the only way she'll forgive him is if he saves Sofia. Then Tommy looks for her and with the help of George somehow they find her. The show ends by Lindy going to find her sister, since apparently she ran off with her boyfriend... Wow, she was at home the whole time, that's dumb! Jake finally goes to prison and Tommy tries to apologize to Lindy for everything.
Overall I loved this series! Hopefully they can try and continue it. Not the best acting, but still entertaining!

Walk of Shame Shuttle
This show apparently is a taping of a business that picks up wasted people the morning after. It is so funny. These hungover customers' stories are so funny and the way they talk about everything is great. They talk about dating, sex, weaves, etc. The drivers have to humor these people and I absolutely love it. I would recommend watching this just for a good laugh, because this show is ridiculous!

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